When using a line trace in the construction script so that objects can return a value destructible meshes will not return a hit. This does not affect use in game with PIE or Standalone game, but if ...
If something is executed before a SetActorRotation node on Tick inside of a SceneComponent class BP and then added to an Actor class BP, the physics will lag User Description: When using set rotat ...
The menu and cursor are removed from the Client window when clicking Play in the Server menu in Multiplayer Shootout. Reproduced using the 4.8.1 download of Multiplayer Shootout. Did not occur in 4 ...
The Hit Reaction Physics Animation Blending example in the ContentExamples PhysicalAnimation map does not react to being clicked on. REGRESSION: Yes Worked: 4.8.3. Binary Broken: 2647674 ...
When generating a collision box for a static mesh and reimporting the mesh with the static mesh editor window open will result in a crash. [Link Removed] ...
Cannot resize comment box when a new comment is created on top. The resizing affects the bottom right corner. This issue is dependent on how the comment is added if comment 1 is highlighted and a ne ...
If you delete an end point of a spline blueprint and then attempt to move the blueprint the editor will freeze and eventually crash. Frequency: 1/1 CrashReporter: [Link Removed] ...
This crash is caused by an exception that is thrown due to the functions inside of a blueprint based off a user-defined class that is suppose to mimic Timelines. ...
Crouching on the Server is not replicated to the Client while the Server character is moving. Reproduced in 4.7.6, 4.8.0, and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2591224) ...
If a user edits a instanced variable which is nested inside two other instanced variables in blueprint editor, a crash will occur ...