Users have requested that light depth and light position are made available to Light Function Materials.Light Depth We seem to be calculating the per-pixel distance from the light to the surface in ...
QAGame Win64 Development BootTest: * Ensure: Ensure condition failed: oldValue == newValue [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\HAL\ThreadingBase.cpp] [Line: 311] oldVal ...
How Necessary are BUILT_FROM_CHANGELIST and BUILD_VERSION in Resource Files? We've been investigating ways to improve the speed of our iterative engine builds, and have found that the vast, vast maj ...
Error message: Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available) Source Context:757 if (SourceMips.Num()) 758 { 759 FFormatNamedArguments Args; ...
Editor Utility Widgets (EUW) can be used to script editor behavior. One use case is the automation of asset creation. A licensee has reported that when an EUW is used to create an asset, for as lon ...
In some situations, a Blueprint can become devoid of an Event Graph, or be created without one from the start. For example, function "FKismetEditorUtilities::CreateBlueprint()" in UE 5.4 does not ca ...
Preforming a hot reload causes placed actors to lose code based variable settings. More repro steps: 1. Open UE4Editor.exe 2. Create a First Person Code project 3. Build the project for Developme ...
I appears to be possible to replicate a value and when the value gets to the client(s), it doesn't match what was sent from the server. In the project, ReplicatedActor is created by the Authority. ...
Enabling UE_NET_ENABLE_REPLICATIONREADER_LOG results in the following errors: {{4>[1/5] Compile [x64] ReplicationReader.cpp 4>D:\P4V\UE5-Main\Engine\Source\Runtime\Experimental\Iris\Core\Private\Ir ...
The licensee reported that check(IsInAudioThread()) was failed in FAudioDevice::UnregisterSoundClass when GC. The following is the call stack: 1 #00 pc 030d7b58 HandleError (/home/pirates ...