After hitting this failure, if you try to deploy again, then it will work. This only occurs on the first attempt. Initially, I thought I hit a disc space issue I was hitting due to having a sample ...
When accessing a data table in BP and getting an Actor Class from it the Class will return NULL when in Standalone Game, Launching, or in a packaged game. This only seems to work in PIE. ...
A licensee reported some of their particles disappear when setting the actor's custom time dilation 0. This seems to happen when a particle is using PSA_Velocity as Screen Alignment. This repros in ...
When an image widget is set to draw as border it will no longer render as a border if the size is negative. The widget appears completely opaque. ...
in UMaterial::GetAllReferencedExpressions, the mobile branch ignores every CustomOutputExpressions including RuntimeVirtualTextureOutput. ...
Moving a property from a recently reparented BP to its new parent will assert in FBlueprintCompileReinstancer::MoveDependentSkelToReinst at ensure(PrevStructSize == NewStructSize) This only see ...
Unreal Editor can get in an infinite while loop when the action Asset->Source Control->History is used in a Blueprint Asset. Reportedly, this issue is only encountered when using the Branches featur ...
When launching on or opening a packaged UnrealMatch3 project GameCenter does not login for the paired account. This causes Leaderboards and Achievements to appear blank. Tested on iPhone6s_6240 OS: ...
This is a regression tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 CL#18319896 Crash after changing either the Anim Start or End times of an Animation Composite when using Enter to confirm their value. ...