DoesSocketExist always returns false for Sprites in a Flipbook, whether there is a socket on any/all of the Sprites or not. Note: GetSocketLocation seems to work fine, indicating that it is reading ...
Add, Multiply, Subtract and Divide Nodes in the Material Editor are not longer updating on input but on the next node added to the Material. Also Reproduced in Main Promotable-CL-2541904 [Link Rem ...
When having an Exponential Height Fog actor far away from origin, after doing Set World Origin Location, Exponential Height Fog's appearance changes. ...
Issue is due to pause flags getting recycled when new sound sources are used from the sound source pool. This is a regression since 4.13, causing audio to pop. ...
When crouching is set in the CharacterMovement Component, the distance from the character capsule to the floor increases by one unit while crouching. Regression: No - Same behavior occurs in 4.16.3 ...
If a Material Parameter Collection with a Scalar Parameter is used within a material and that material is called within a widget the scalar parameter will render with a 0 value, even when set to ano ...
Importing an OBJ file no longer imports the UVs. Test asset included for OBJ and FBX version of the same file. Added Test FBX from SketchUp Tested with: 4.12.5 CL-3039270 - Working 4.13.0 CL-31 ...
GetClosestPointonCollision returns point on parent instead of welded child. From user: "The problem appears to be in PhysicsInterfacePhysX.cpp in GetSquaredDistanceToBody, line 2873. When UPrimit ...
When a user launches content examples with -vulkan tessellation will not be working. Everything tessellated will appear as if it has no tessellation. This issue is also occurring in 4.18 ...
STAT_VolumetricLightmapBuildData isn't counted correctly. It seems that the root cause is Volume.IndirectionTexture.DataSize is set to 0 before STAT_VolumetricLightmapBuildData is decreased.// Prec ...