Toggling visibility of Sublevels on a server can cause a disconnect if Dynamic Actors exist in the sublevels.

UE - Networking - Aug 17, 2018

The PackageMap / NetGuidCache appear to get into a bad state on Clients if the Server toggles level visibility of a sublevel. This can affect currently connected clients, as well as clients that jo ...

User Play Space Rot does not change anything in Client Play Camera Shake

UE - Gameplay - Jun 11, 2015

User does not change anything in Client Play Camera Shake. Reproduced in 4.8 and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2581498). This is a Regression: it works as expected in 4.7.6 ...

Latent Blueprint Functions has incorrect linkage when the FLatentActionInfo is the first argument

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Jul 18, 2022

When you create a latent function in C++ with the FLatentActionInfo first it will incorrectly set up the linkage for the latent info such that it gets linked to the incoming execution pin of the fun ...

Instanced EditInlineNew Objects not correctly propagating to children and placed level instances

UE - Gameplay - Mar 3, 2020

Instanced EditInlineNew objects are kind of broken right now and hard to make full use of. In addition to the notes above, there are some cases where you can't even assign new values into the base c ...

Visual Studio builds currently fail when a project includes a UFUNCTION with Server, Reliable, and WithValidation specifiers (with appropriate definitions in the source file).

UE - Networking - Apr 1, 2015

Using UFUNCTION(Server, Reliable, WithValidation) with an RPC function results in a failed build in Visual Studio. The same test in Main yields a different set of error messages. ...

Decals custom depth/stencil side effect from Lumen

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 15, 2024

The order of passes related to Decal rendering (without the DBuffer) and CustomDepth is changed by the CVar "r.Lumen.AsyncCompute", even when Lumen is not enabled. This causes Decal Materials that ...

Translucent light grid injection behavior

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 15, 2024

Light injection into the Translucent Light Grid voxels does not use the correct location for clipping or attenuation. Both of these points are outside the voxel that is being updated. Light attenua ...

Widget "Listen For Input Action" executes on unexpected input event

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Feb 19, 2020

Listen For Input Action firing erroneously. Confirmed in 4.26 MAIN @ CL 11536993 ...

Destructible attached with a Physics Constraint have inconsistent physics

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Jul 26, 2016

Destructible attached with a Physics Constraint have inconsistent physics compared to a standard Static Mesh. This is also sometimes prevalent with Destructibles that aren't attached with a Physics ...

Ribbon Particle Normals are reversed from default Sprite Particles

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 13, 2015

It appears that the Vertex Normals from Ribbon Particles are opposite of what is expected via the Default Particle System given both systems share the same alignment (Facing Camera) [Image Removed] ...