Due to CL-20816478 UMovieSceneSequenceTickManager now calculates DeltaTime per Group instead of using DeltaSeconds directly. As a result, the FixedTimeFramerate in the project settings is being igno ...
Licensees have reported crashes being triggered while the engine is resolving debug markers for an Nvidia Aftermath dump. This makes it difficult to properly investigate crashes ...
The following code can often be found in UNiagaraDataInterfaceChaosDestruction.const int32 ParticleID = ParticleIDParam.GetAndAdvance() - LastSpawnedPointID + 1; The LastSpawnedPointID is usual ...
From licensee: Hello! Our level streaming setup enables the bUseActorFolders on our levels. When moving the Actor into another folder via the Outline, the editor will crash on the next load Assert ...
Came from a UDN: [Link Removed] Proposed fix is to change `FRawInputWindows::ParseInputData` to use this logic instead: ``` ... USHORT BitSize = ValueCapsBuffer[iValue].BitSize; LONG SizeMask ...
Crash Report: [Link Removed] <unknown module>! KERNELBASE!RaiseException() <unknown module>! UE4Editor_Core!FOutputDeviceWindowsError::Serialize() <unknown module>! UE4Editor_Core!FMsg::Logf__VA( ...
We need to handle TrackedDeviceClass_DisplayRedirect as a valid device in SteamVRController.cpp ...