Marquee selection in an orthographic view selects all bsp brushes in level, even if they are not under the marquee selection. ...
IntValue and BoolValue is always indefinite value in UAIDataProvider_QueryParams::BindData(). Attach the result of Watch in VS. ...
Unexpected behaviour when painting skeletal meshes with small radius brush. This does not occur with static meshes. Confirmed in 4.25 MAIN @ CL 9730599 ...
Once a static mesh have generated LODS, the only lightmap index value the static mesh editor's UI accepts is 0. We should be able to set the index to any value between 0 and 3 as long as there are ...
it seems in FSequencerTimeSliderController::ComputeFrameTimeFromMouse the CursorPos is -nan ...
Using the console commands 'shot', 'highresshot 1' and 'highresshot 2' will crash to the 'recent apps' menu an ipa with Metal enabled. I tried this with 'Forward Rendering with Metal' disabled and u ...
When using the node "ConvertMouseLocationToWorldSpace" in VR appears to be restricting the mouses position to a small section of the available screen. ...
The editor will crash when importing an Alembic file with an empty first frame. ...