When opening materials, textures and meshes the tab that opens will randomly either dock to the main editor window or open as its own window. User's video highlights inconsistency. ...
The Spawn Actor from Class node's dropdown menu gets cut off when zoomed out. Reproduced in 4.7.2 binary and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2473270) ...
Repro 5/5 When snapping and rotating an object to the grid along the Z-axis there are small decimal float changes in the details panel. I informed the user this was a small change and will have li ...
Vector2D struct does not save default values as a macro input Regression (no) issue (does) occur in 4.11.2 ...
In the sample project provided on UDN, the server changes a bitfield value but the change fails to replicate to the client. ...
Named 'None' in the material editor, TextureSampleParameter2d is not overridden in the material instance. ...
WHen the Child Actor Class value is changed in a blueprint, the Template name is not updated. Note: The Settings uner the Child Actor Template dropdown DO update when the class is changed. Workaro ...
A cube constrained to a physics actor will start to jitter uncontrollably when interacted with. (see attached media and repro steps for more details) Tested in the following //UE5-Release-5.3-CL ...
When using the HTC Vive with any levels that are streamed in that take a moment to load in will show the waiting room for the Vive while loading. This does not happen on the Oculus that I can see. I ...