Problems rendering higher resolution than 1080p from matinee with "Use Separate Process"

Tools - Apr 6, 2016

Problems rendering higher resolution than 1080p from matinee with "Use Separate Process". Seems to render only part of the frame and is stretched. This is a regression from 4.10. [Image Removed] ...

OSSNull doesn't properly filter servers based on settings

UE - Online - Oct 19, 2016

OSSNull doesn't properly account for bShouldAdvertise or bAllowJoinInProgress. These should be updated in OnValidQueryPacketReceieved. (Note, bShouldAdvertise is explicitly ignored in LAN matches) ...

Static light reflections do not honor Min Roughness settings for lights.

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 10, 2015

When using static lighting with Reflection Captures, the light sources Min Roughness setting is not honored. This is part of the new update for Reflection Capture Actors to render the light shape ...

Manually importing LODs are rotated 90 degrees when using Transform Vertex to Absolute

Tools - May 26, 2016

When importing a Static Mesh if you use the default settings and then manually import any LODs for that static mesh they will be rotated by 90 degrees. I found that disabling Transform Vertex to A ...

Default value lost when placing a struct within a user defined struct

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Sep 18, 2017

The default value of a child struct that is added to anther struct is not retained in the parent. An example would be if the child struct contains an integer, the default value when added to another ...

When changing the variable name of Parent Blueprint, only Child Blueprint existing on the opened level becomes Dirty.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 20, 2017

Changing the variable name of the parent Blueprint also effects the changes to the child Blueprint, but the Dirty result changes depending on whether it is placed on the level. This means that Child ...

Depth of Field blur is inconsistent with r.ScreenPercentage == 100 (Dynamic resolution)

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 29, 2024

Depth of Field, with "r.DOF.Recombine.Quality = 0" will adjust the size of the depth in focus based on screen percentage. This might be related to over-fitting from the tile classification, because ...

Changing the names of inputs in a collapsed graph can change connected inputs in other collapsed nodes

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 15, 2015

Changing the names of inputs in a collapsed graph can change connected inputs in other collapsed nodes. Reproduced in 4.7.2 binary and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2478413) ...

SpeedTree static meshes corrupted converting project from 4.12 to 4.14

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 25, 2016

Speedtrees are just normal static meshes once they are in the engine, so if we are corrupting them across an engine upgrade that is really bad. ...

RGB/UINT10 HDR Format not using ST.2084

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Aug 23, 2021

Specification here: [Link Removed] Which is mirrored in engine in FD3D12DynamicRHI::Init (for example): [Image Removed] However, FWindowsPlatformMisc::ChooseHDRDeviceAndColorGamut always returns ...