The documentation: shows the RestrictedToClasses meta syntax as being RestrictedToClasses="Class1, C ...
Setting Key Interpolation for a point on a curve to Auto behaves differently than it did in UE4. The results are more akin to the User Interpolation with flat tangents. ...
Watching GIF displayed in test case, the shadows disappear with the meshes. ...
Tracks don't reset to default actor state when "Active" is disabled Tags: inactive Sequencer ...
Instanced meshes called in player character do not correctly register overlaps with other actors. ...
Creating a static mesh from a procedural mesh does not preserve simple collision or collision settings. ...
FDateTime is not correctly formatted by As Date Time when using any dates before January 1st, 1970. From a conversation on Slack with MaxP: this is probably an underflow the ICU based string format ...
An example of this issue would be that after setting the color and opacity setting along the time line and then trying to click and drag that key frame it will set the value for the currently select ...
Multi Line Trace by Channel includes Actors with Overlap collision in the Out Hits array (but does not indicate a True Return Value). The two returns match with Ignore and Block collision settings. ...