Renaming a Blackboard Key removes it's references in the Behavior Tree ...
If a macro is referencing a custom enum within a struct and compiled after another output pin is removed, an internal compiler error will appear and the blueprint will not compile. ...
Using the mouse input to show the mouse cursor acts like an Alt+Tab. When clicking the mouse input again to no longer show the cursor, the camera controls stop at the edge of the screen. Reported i ...
When a material with WPO effects and MaxWorldPositionOffsetDisplacement is applied to a foliage mesh, foliage applied to a map will no longer work as expected with density scaling, especially after ...
Under some circumstances, a character falling and sliding along a sloped surface may get hung up near the bottom of the surface before actually landing on the floor. This seems to occur when slidin ...
Random Pitch Angle does not properly apply when called within a procedural foliage volume. ...
Enabling bUseLoggingInShipping for a project prevents the project from being built for Shipping if the project includes replicated properties. This is only an issue with binary builds of the Engine. ...
When a custom enum is used as the Bitmask Enum of a Make Bitmask node, the value returned does not match the expected value ...
Changing the name of a function that is bound to a delegate, or attempting to bind a delegate to a second function, causes the new/changed function to not be called when the delegate is triggered. ...
Renaming a Struct variable that is used in a Widget BP creates 'Warning: Unknown property in' warnings in the Output Log User Description: I think this should be brought up as these seems to be a ...