Crash when using pooled widgets in an invalidation panel

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Aug 3, 2016

Widgets that are pooled are given a pointer to a layout cache, if the layout cache dies, the pointer is bogus. Going to need to move over to using weak pointers to avoid the crash, will add some pe ...

"Runaway loop detected" warnings on AnimBP with worker threads

OLD - Anim - Jul 29, 2016

The runaway loop detection stuff is designed as per thread singletons (TLS). The worker threads don't properly reset the runaway counters. ...

Setting show flags on a scenecaptureComponent via blueprint does not work

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 28, 2016

Reported via UDN: ...

Force Feedback not pausing correctly during bGamePaused

UE - Gameplay - Jul 26, 2016

From UDN Question: Tried with GamePad and Vive Controllers, having Gamepad wire connected + 2 Vi ...

Creating a code project named Test will fail the initial compile and every hot reload in Binary

UE - Foundation - Build - Farm - Jul 21, 2016

When a C++ project is named Test on a Binary version of the editor, the project will fail to compile. I'm assuming this is from the editor seeing a precompiled header from another file in the engine ...

Particle Lights do not honor Lighting Channel assignments

UE - Niagara - Jul 15, 2016

Particle system light's module does not use Lighting Channels. The particle system itself will accept lighting from it's assigned lighting channels but the lights spawned from the particle system, n ...

Opacity of Translucent Materials in UMG Retainer Box Inconsistent

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jul 14, 2016

Using a translucent material with a 0 opacity does not seem to be working when using a retainer box that is attempting to apply it to the image. When the material is set to additive or masked, it w ...

Attached Actors in the World Outliner are Becoming Unattached Upon Changing and Compiling the Blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 14, 2016

Making a change in a blueprint and then compiling it causes any actors that are attached to it to become unattached. ...

Renaming the Default Meshes Folder to Include [] Causes Duplication Issues

Tools - Jul 12, 2016

Renaming the meshes folder to include [] characters causes the static meshes to lose their mesh upon being duplicated. ...

Re-importing JSON File Causes a Blank Editor Window Until the Asset is Reopened

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Jul 11, 2016

Re-importing a JSON file causes the asset window to be cleared out until the file is reopened in the editor. ...