Adding a 3D text actor to a level with a Nanite landscape causes cooker to hit an assert Tested in the Following //UE5-Release-5.3-CL-27405482 ...
iOS package with Metal Desktop Renderer enabled crashes on iPhoneThis issue does not occur if Metal Desktop Renderer is disabled ...
Attempting to use the Fill Data Table from CSV File node will result in a crash if the CSV file is open when running. ...
A crash is occurring if you collapse a node and name the collapsed graph something that contains a period. The crash occurs if you copy and paste the collapse graph, and then attempt to rename it. I ...
[Link Removed] Able to set default values for Sequence & Map variables for a Movie Pipeline Executor Job causing an Ensure & Crash. Repro Rate: 4/4 Tested this in //UE4/Release-4.27 @ CL#18319896 ...
Packaging for Android fails with the GPU Lightmass plugin enabled. A customer reported this and I was able to successfully repro it, however my callstack was different. I'm attaching my logs and cal ...
ULevelInstanceSubsystem::OnActorDeleted: check(!IsEditingLevelInstanceDirty(LevelInstance) && !HasDirtyChildrenLevelInstances(LevelInstance)); ...
Adding a variable of Post Process Settings structure to a blueprint causes the editor to crash when the blueprint is compiled. Regression: Yes - Editor did not crash on compile in 4.17.2 (CL 365890 ...
Saving a Slate Vector Art asset causes a crash. ...
When attempting to diff a Blueprint that has been reparented when the previous parent no longer exists in the editor, a crash occurs. The crash is due to the editor attempting to reference the delet ...