SetTextureParameterValue stopped working with Dynamic Material Instances (from Blueprints)

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 28, 2016

Textures in Post Process Blueprints do not update with Dynamic Material Instances. Scalar and Vector Parameters update as expected, but Textures do not. Note This was attempted with both a materi ...

Converting Int to Byte to Enum crashes editor during PIE

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 28, 2016

Converting Int to Byte to Enum crashes editor during PIE. Frequency: 3/3 Crashreporter: N/A ...

Projects crashing on launch after converting from 4.7.3 to 4.7.4

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 3, 2015

A couple users have reported a crash when opening their 4.7.3 project in 4.7.4. From MikeB: The guy is hit ...

Cannot click the create new project button on a monitor with 1366 x 768 resolution

Tools - Sep 17, 2015

If a user has a 1366 by 768 monitor resolution and uses the File > Create New project option, then the user will not be able to click the green button at the bottom of the window that actually allow ...

UE4 3rd Person Blueprint PIE Caused Kernel Panic on iMac/AMD 6770M

UE - Platform - Apple - Dec 12, 2014

When I was running the default 3rd person shooter template which had no modifications yet, I pressed play and began to move around. Within a few seconds, the computer shut off as if the power cord h ...

Changing the name of an Event Dispatcher's Input will not update existing nodes in Event Graphs and cause a compiler error

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 5, 2015

Changing the name of an Event Dispatcher's Input will not update existing nodes in Event Graphs and cause a compiler error. The error text includes links that open the level tab rather than locating ...

Handle fracturing a destructible mesh when the source mesh has been deleted without a crash.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Jul 13, 2015

When attempting to fracture a destructible where the source static mesh has been deleted we get a crash in APEX. APEX can't seem to find any root leaf nodes to begin fracturing upon. This does not ...

Non-blueprint ed graphs need to clean up their deprecated pins

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 3, 2016

Old UEdGraphPins are not being removed from non-blueprint assets. ...

PIE Exits and Error Appears When Attempting to Travel to New Map

UE - Gameplay - Aug 19, 2016

When attempting to use an overlap event followed by an open level node, PIE will exit and errors will appear in the message log. ...

Struct array of type 'key' dirties blueprint each time it is re-opened

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 29, 2016

Struct array of type 'key' dirties blueprint each time it is re-opened. Regression (no) issue (does) occur in 4.11.2 ...