A collapsed component hierarchy expands when placing a component in Widget Hierarchy panel. This issue seems similar in nature to [Link Removed], but the test case for this issue id different, and f ...
I was unable to reproduce this locally, but a licensee reported having trouble creating a local installed build of the Engine with only Visual Studio 2017 installed. The licensee reported that the S ...
Spinbox displays values that differ from the value of the delta, when values are displayed for a spinbox their value always reads in the 0.000001 values, instead of listening to the delta. Unsure if ...
Mesh draw commands don't hold strong references to resources. When caching mesh draw commands, their lifetimes can match the parent scene proxy, which can be very long. This increases the chance tha ...
The ModcallbackData won't be consumed while applying stacked Gameplay Effects if the updates are being batched. This triggers a false warning in FActiveGameplayEffectsContainer::ApplyModToAttribute. ...
Need to make sure we support nullptr entries or make sure we do not create such null entries. ...
This is from a UDN and I was not able to reproduce it locally in Release-5.0 or Ue5/Main, creating this issue for tracking. ...