A recent change to UAbilityTask_NetworkSyncPoint generates a second Prediction Key before broadcasting the OnSync delegate which may be preventing the server from removing the locally predicted GE ...
If attaches a StaticMeshComponent with collision active to another actor with a SkeletalMeshComponent simulating physics by socket name the StaticMeshComponent miss collision for simulation. Chec ...
This is only happening with gamepad buttons it appears. This is likely not Lyra specific, but has something to do with how the state of gamepad keys are being evaluated. I think that it may be becau ...
The Make Bitmask node uses the flag index rather than the flag mask value unless the enum has the UseEnumValuesAsMaskValuesInEditor meta specifier. UserDefinedEnums in the editor don't support this ...
Subsurface material rendered in preview window has too intense subsurface scattering or strange artifact. However, it shows no error in Play in Editor. After disabling the contact shadow in PIE, abl ...
From a UDN, they also mentioned: Update: I added CommonUI to the test project to try the "Consume pointer input" setting. It behaves the same way as our custom input blocking widget in that the in ...
The perforce login flow for UGS does not properly handle a perforce server using 2FA login flow ...
FSuggestProjectileVelocityParameters was introduced in 5.4 and has a FCollisionResponseParams member that's initialized as a mutable reference to FCollisionResponseParams::DefaultResponseParam. str ...
Blocky artifacts and flickering are sometimes visible when using VRS and decals. Setting r.VRS.Decals=0 removes the flickering. See Additional Info URL for details. ...