Importing the fbx uses the default settings, which aren't accessed through scripting, so they cannot be changed. To circumvent this MovieSceneToolHelpers::ImportFBXIfReady caches the defaults, and ...
When DistasterRecoveryClient (in editor called RecoveryHub) plugin is added to the project and the user creates a Landscape, a crash occurs. ...
We need to support geometric transform for meshes when importing skeletalmesh ...
Users have reported that manually editing each bone when generating blendmasks to be tedious and could be easier with some bulk editing functionality. ...
Users have reported that manually editing each bone when generating blendmasks to be tedious and could be easier with some bulk editing functionality. ...
In Game Input, the buttons for different thumbstick and trigger digital events (i.e. RightStickUp, LeftStickUp, LeftStickRight, etc) can actually fire multiple times in a single frame, even though w ...
Attempting to move any of the sprites created from this .json to another folder from within the Content Browser crashes the project. CRASHREPORT: 442758 ...
Using the Drawn line node to draw a line over an image in UMG causes the viewport to display incorrectly. In 4.7 the lines also are not drawn. ...
This looks to be a system driver bug, but logging here for transparency and future reference. It took me a long while to figure out that the key issue is a conflict during blit between UE4 and the H ...