Landscape LOD menu is missing from Details Pane of editor. Found in Master Branch, latest commit before pulling branch. ...
When using GetHitResultUnderCursor and pressing LMB over a landscape, there is a chance that the location chosen will return false when it should be returning true. It seems dependent on what area o ...
Play from Here incorrectly adjusts player spawn when large grid snap values are used. ...
Viewport option: Show>Advanced>Vertex Colors doesn't display the vertex colors for a Skeletal Mesh. This viewmode works fine for Static Meshes. There is also no option to display the Vertex Colors ...
In mobile preview and device, UMG displays way darker image than in the editor. ...
Right clicking a csv data table in content browser crashes editor. Frequency: 3/3 CrashReporter: [Link Removed] Callstack: MachineId:4E82586D46B558EA69EF0EAA821297B1 EpicAccountId:1558531203f8 ...
Using Japanese UI(culture=ja), time of saving BP is extremely slow in comparison with English UI(culture=en). In a case of attachment project, TestBP1 and TestBP2 take about 3 minutes using Japanes ...
Error Message: Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available) ComponentOverlapComponent node used in blueprints will cause the editor to crash once you PIE if there is no comp ...
Dbuffer decals with a Translucent Blend Mode are not rendering in the preview window of the Material Editor. Note I noticed the Default Blend Mode for Dbuffer Decals is set to Translucent now inste ...