Editor becomes unresponsive/freezes when a Geometry Collection is destroyed by a Hit Event while simulating

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Apr 19, 2023

This is a regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.1 CL23901901 When a geometry collection is destroyed by an On Hit event the editor becomes unresponsive and never recovers. No crash is generated. ...

Setting a Niagara Bool parameter during runtime causes ensure and the parameter to not be read properly

UE - Niagara - Jun 22, 2020

Setting a Niagara Bool parameter during runtime causes ensure ...

FFrame::ReadProperty() occur crash if Blendspace Player node use Function to get BlendSpace Asset

UE - Anim - Runtime - Anim Blueprints - May 25, 2022

If user connect a function that returns a Blendspace Asset to a Blendspace Player that BlendSpaceAsset settings are exposed to a pin, it crashes in the package. It does not occur if user do not con ...

Calling RequestStimuliListenerUpdate on actor with one element in AIPerception Sensing Config causes crash

UE - AI - Sep 18, 2015

If an AIPerception component is added to an actor and given one element set to either AI Hearing / AI Sight / AI Touch config then the game will crash once Request Stimuli Listener Update is called ...

Fill Data Table from CSV File crashes editor if the data table is open

Tools - May 6, 2019

Attempting to use the Fill Data Table from CSV File node will result in a crash if the CSV file is open when running. ...

Crash when adding a pawn that has a SetSenseEnabled node set to true on Begin Play and then playing the game

UE - AI - Apr 20, 2021

When adding the SetSenseEnabled node to a Pawn and controlling another pawn that has an AIPerceptionStiumuliSource, the editor crashes. I tested using other senses such as Hearing and the crash occu ...

Intermittent Crash in SGraphNode when saving

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Apr 5, 2016

Licensee observed crash in SGraphNode after modifying comments on blueprint nodes and saving. Has seen similar crashes before, unable to figure out how to reproduce them. ...

Crash When Substance Material Is Applied to a Mesh In HLOD System

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - Sep 3, 2018

Crash when Substance material is applied to a mesh included in the HLOD system. Working as expected in 4.19 CL# 4033788. Unable to test issue in 4.21 CL# 4339215 due to plugin dependency. Found in ...

Watch Pin Crash on Softclasspath

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Mar 26, 2020

Mousing over a softclasspath pin from a struct while debugging a Blueprint can lead to a crash.  ...

FTabManager::FindPotentiallyClosedTab Crash Due to Invalid Array Indexing

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - May 25, 2023

As you can see from the above callstack it appears that calling RestoreArea can call FindPotentiallyClosedTab again higher in the stack, which can Remove() an entry from CollapsedDockAreas- this cau ...