The mouse cursor is not being locked to the viewport during PIE in versions 4.11 and up. This is inconsistent with the behavior that was seen in 4.10 because the mouse was locked to the viewport du ...
When adding shootergame to steam as a non steam game, the overlays do no appear when launching. ...
This isn't really a recent regression, I think it's always had this issue but it's very annoying. I also noticed that if I go fullscreen with the viewport, then back down to a smaller one it will ...
This is a common crash on Mac that has occurred since at least 4.12.5. It seems to occur during converting textures while cooking for Android. Callstack from LogLogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/En ...
There's no device profile for iPadPro 10.5". It picks up other rendering settings properly from the iPadPro family. ...
The editor crashes when calling an over ridden On Key down function in a widget in order to capture the mouse with the return value of the function. ...
Destructible Mesh does not correctly affect vertex color. ...
The Hit result from "get hit result under cursor" does not appear to be working with "find collision UV" Using "Line Trace by Channel" hit result works as intended. ...
This problem is difference rendering result between Final Image of SceneCaptureComponent2D and scene rendering. If I disable the post effect, the result seems to be the same, but turning it on will ...
In splitscreen, Player 0 view influences reflections for other player views. A user submitted the included test project showing the issue, and I have reproduced on 4.18.3 as well as 4.19.2 (see Spli ...