Using a Math Expression node, atan will generate an error as an unknown expression. Reproduced in Main Promotable-CL-2471062 [Image Removed] ...
The NavMesh creates breaks at the wrong rotation if the mesh is using collision created from outside of UE4. This is obvious in a lot of the market content with special collision created in maya/3d ...
This crash only seems to be occurring in a packaged game, and it has not been able to be reproduced in a clean project following the steps that the user provided. ...
The Plus button on the right side of the Custom Launch Profiles row in UnrealFrontend is stretched vertically. ...
The currently implementation of WmfMedia player initialization is incorrect in that it creates a playback topology that includes all source tracks, but some of them are disabled. The intent was to e ...
Using SetCollisionObjectType at runtime to change the collision channel of a character results in different results than expected. Project: [Link Removed] ...
Some textures don't work with particle cutouts [Image Removed] ...
The editor is crashing when the OSVR plugin is enabled. Error Message: Unknown exception - code c06d007e (first/second chance not available) Source Context: 465 // Assign the already load ...
If Simulate Physics is turned off / on for a vehicle, the wheels will become detached from the vehicle and keep rolling if they were rolling at the time that Simulate Physics was turned off. ...