Static Meshes Disappear with Media Player Asset Applied as Material in Standalone or Packaged Game

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 7, 2016

Static Meshes with a Media Texture applied will disappear when played in Standalone or in a Packaged Game. Regression? Yes, this is not the same behavior in the 4.11 version of the engine. Note I ...

Multiplayer Shootout is broken in 4.12

Docs - Samples - Jul 7, 2016

Multiplayer Shootout is broken in 4.12. Appears to be caused by the AimOffset animations being imported at the incorrect scale. Regression: Yes, does not occur if you create a 4.11 version of the ...

Elemental demo Lava appears low quality because of motion blur

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 25, 2016

The flowing lava in the level is a much lower quality than expected the poor quality does not appear to be caused by slow texture streaming, but instead by an over-exagerated or low quality motion b ...

Packaged projects on Windows and Mac are not opening as windowed fullscreen

Tools - Nov 16, 2016

When you package a project on Windows or Mac, the project is then opened in windowed mode instead of windowed fullscreen. Regression: Works in 4.12.5-3039270 Does not work in 4.13.2-3172292 Does no ...

Particle System Warmup Time causing Crash with Light Module and High Quality Lights

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 7, 2016

A crash occurs when Opening a level with a Particle System that contains a warmup time and a Light module with High Quality Lights checked. This crash seems very isolated and specific as it does no ...

OSVR is affected by screen percentage Post Process volumes

UE - Platform - XR - May 6, 2016

Found on: //UE4/Dev-VR CL-2967563 Screen percentage post process volumes affect rendering on the OSVR. It also renders incorrectly when affected. The incorrect effect has been logged as [Link Remo ...

Gear VR media texture split when looking opposite direction

UE - Platform - XR - Dec 4, 2015

When using a media texture asset the video will run fine when playing in the the headset, but if you look the opposite direction the image fills the screen and splits in half. This is reproducible ...

Inconsistent physics simulation occurring with vehicles

UE - Simulation - Physics - Oct 12, 2015

Physics seems to be highly unpredictable when it comes with Wheeled Vehicles, where the results of the physics changes each time it is simulated. ...

Typo in FBX Import Options: Skeleton Tooltip

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Jul 30, 2015

There's a small typo in the "skeleton" tooltip in the editor's fbx importer. It says "and animation" when it should say "an animation" (see attached screenshot). ...