A licensee reported a visual difference, possibly related to bloom or specular when updating from 4.8 to 4.9[Image Removed] After looking at it with Visualize HDR on, Martin commented the following ...
A licensee has reported that the normals for their tilemaps upon initial load of the editor are flipped. This is also true when they launch their packaged project. All the normals of their tilemaps ...
Reported by Twitter user, "Does #UE4 seriously not support importing greyscale textures anymore?" ...
Launching or packaging for iOS does not work on our Windows 10 machine however we are able to package and launch onto iOS devices from Windows 7 machines. Using the File > Package > iOS option with ...
When importing a skeletal mesh there is an issue where the normals of the face do not update with the faces of the inside of the book as it opens. This can cause a noticeable shadow issue, which cou ...
Context menus in the editor (such as right-clicking in the Content Browser) will cause duplicate menus to appear when you hover over a section that makes an extra menu appear. Note: This has only b ...
Custom UMG fonts do not show up correctly when launching to HTML5 from a packaged project. The fonts show up correctly for Windows packaged projects. ...
Linear Spline Point Type doesn't have expected result User Description: I was following a tutorial from Dokipen (Tutorial) about using spline to create linear arrays. Everything is working fine f ...
On a Mac, when opening a custom character blueprint from a project that has been converted to 4.5 from a previous version of the engine, the engine immediately crashes. ...
Disabling the Editor Sounds under Editor Preferences->Level Editor->Miscellaneous->Sound->Enable Editor Sounds doesn't stop the Compile sound from playing when you click the Compile button in the ed ...