The fill bucket tool under foliage does not work with BSP surfaces. ...
Did not occur when building the 3rd Person Code template from Windows to XCode 9. Also did not occur when building StrategyGame from Windows to XCode 8. This hasn't yet been tested natively on a Ma ...
There is a spelling error in the tutorial for blueprints. The word "contains" is written as "containes." ...
This is a trending crash coming out of 4.18, and may be a regression. Users have not provided any descriptions of their actions when the crash occurred. Source Context 57 const TArray<FVec ...
Handling SIGTERM can deadlock because RequestExit() can log stuff. If we happen to be in the malloc at that time of receiving the signal this is going to deadlock the process. In general, we should ...
When viewing foliage on Linux it culls in and out as the camera comes closer to it. Also changing the way it is rendered to become grey and transparent (and changing back to normal, perhaps dependin ...
When duplicating an Interface function, the values for Input/Output are doubled or tripled. ...
After disabling the World Option bEnableAISystem, clicking with the right mouse button on the asset browers (in an empty place) casues the editor to crash. ...
GrabHand Cursors appear as Hand (Index finger cursor) in a packaged project 4.20p5 CL# 4173640 4.21 CL# 4179764 ...