Crash when destroying two components in a specific order in this user's project. The crash occurs under two circumstances inside the LogActor Blueprint: either DestroyLogPart is called for both Te ...
Greyscale image compression and sRGB settings are rendering different results in the Texture Editor versus the Material Editor and in game. Texture Editor (sRGB = True, Compression=Greyscale):[Link ...
The Show Collision option in the Viewport does not show all collision during Simulate. ...
If you re-position the editor windows and hit save layout, the layout is not saved. ...
Submitted by a licensee on UDN. I verified it and have attached the test level that he provided. In the test map. some boxes fall and break. Walking straight into the boxes causes the editor to cra ...
If you check the 'crack free displacement' option in a landscape material, it seems to break the results of both the landscape layer coords and regular UV input node. Worldposition is not affected. ...
User experienced unexpected AI behavior and was kind enough to share a stripped down version of the project. I was able to nail down issues user was experiencing to failed enum-to-byte conversion. U ...
If the console command "Stereo on" is used to enter Oculus mode in a standalone window, the onscreen window and Oculus viewport go black if the standalone loses window focus. Window is still runnin ...
Blueprint Template Launch On from Mac crashes on device. ...
While working with a struct. If the user changes the value of a variable the info panel auto-collapses. The user than has to re-expand the info-panel and work their way back to the place they left o ...