User Reported Bug Replication Settings no longer editable after event delegate is connected. Doesn't seem to affect functionality, only UI. (replication settings stay as set before plugging delega ...
User comment from crash group:reimporting fbx 491 void FStaticMeshVertexBuffer::BindLightMapVertexBuffer(const FVertexFactory* VertexFactory, FStaticMeshDataType& Data, int LightMapCoordinate ...
Each time after cook the Template_Default.umap or Template_Default_BuiltData.uasset are changed. But if I move Template_Default.umap to the project content folder, they will be the same as the las ...
Stereo layer appears to move/slide as the player moves the HMD from side to side when using the world locked setting for the stereo layer. ...
It is probably link to the fact the function try to access so GUI object that are not accessible in CMD EditorLevelLibrary.spawn_actor_from_object should work in commandlet ...
Beam Emitter attached to a camera in a blueprint is showing lagging behavior at source and target locations ADDITIONAL NOTES: Have tried to eliminate the lagging through locking source and target w ...
When adding the first person template (bp or code) as a feature pack, an error occurs stating "Unable to read file" and a warning "failed to import". ...
This wasn't like this in 4.24 (see attached images). If you create a variable Engine.Owner.Position the search will find it however. Found in 4.25 Preview 2. Reproduced in 4.26 Main. ...
When attempting to run the attached Project submitted from UDN, it will crash on launch. If Vulkan support is disabled, the Project will run as expected on Quest. This issue DOES NOT appear to repro ...
For TMap variables of type struct created in blueprint, if change the default value in child blueprint and compile, it will restore to the default value of the parent actor. This problem does not o ...