When changing the Texture Quality settings through the Engine Scalability settings within the main viewport, the topography/height map of the landscape changes. The user mentions he originally impo ...
Unable to compile and edit the scale of a Tilemap Component as an Actor Blueprint after Importing a Tilemap and creating a Tile Map Asset within the content browser. There are also no details shown ...
Align brush vertices does not function in 4.7 preview 4. ...
Tessellation used on BSP causes severe graphical glitches on AMD Radeon 200 Series cards. The Licensee also mentioned it occurs on the Nvidea GTX 970 (not tested) ...
Looking at the propagate function:void UAnimStateTransitionNode::PropagateCrossfadeSettings() { UEdGraph* CurrentGraph = GetGraph(); for (int32 idx = 0; idx < CurrentGraph->Nodes.Num(); idx++) ...
Get Random Point in Raduis is being replaced by Get Random Reachable Point in Raduis. In the code it is marked, commented and all but actually completely deprecated. Just needs to be pulled out com ...
Sprites which are layerd on top of one another in a tight pack and have a material set to TranslucentUnlitSprite Material will disappear while moving the camera above and below the editor's 0 grid. ...
User's asset is causing a crash on the User's Computer and on the Main Branch here, it is causing a soft crash (I have to CTRL-ALT-DELETE to close the editor.) ...
Attempting to compare a blackboard key type using an equals node always returns false. In the setup in the attached project, there is a task that contains a public Blackboard Key Selector variable. ...
Importing user provided Camera FBX will crash on closing the Matinee window in Matinee Fight Scene level. I cannot reproduce a crash in a blank project with this asset. Attached: Crash.zip - Inter ...