When importing a skeletal mesh there is an issue where the normals of the face do not update with the faces of the inside of the book as it opens. This can cause a noticeable shadow issue, which cou ...
Context menus in the editor (such as right-clicking in the Content Browser) will cause duplicate menus to appear when you hover over a section that makes an extra menu appear. Note: This has only b ...
Custom UMG fonts do not show up correctly when launching to HTML5 from a packaged project. The fonts show up correctly for Windows packaged projects. ...
Linear Spline Point Type doesn't have expected result User Description: I was following a tutorial from Dokipen (Tutorial) about using spline to create linear arrays. Everything is working fine f ...
On a Mac, when opening a custom character blueprint from a project that has been converted to 4.5 from a previous version of the engine, the engine immediately crashes. ...
If any tabs are undocked from the main viewport and another tab is then docked to the main viewport it will hide any undocked tabs. This only appears to affect tabs that in the Menu > Window with ex ...
When using a Normalize node and then trying to get the Dot Product vs setting the Dot Product up manually do not produce the same results. ...
A crash occurs on iOS when deploying the licensee's project using iOS 9 version. The crash does not occur when deployed to a device using iOS 10 version. They believe the crash to be related to Pl ...
A licensee is reporting an issue with mesh decals rendering incorrectly when created as a Material ID (Material Element) and assigning a translucent material to the shared mesh. The use case exampl ...
When using "distance to nearest surface" node with WPO there are cases where the engine will shade the object incorrect. The attached project reproduces one of these scenarios. It appears as though ...