Asset returns after being deleted from the content folder while the editor is open. A deleted asset comes back and does not prompt to save it. This leads to the asset being removed when the editor i ...
Surfaces are getting washed out or over brightened when using a Cubemap on a Skylight in VR. Tested 4.15.2 - 3416026 : Does not occur 4.16. p2 - 3415565: Occurs ...
Disabling PIX Profiling in the project settings for Xbox One does not actually disable PIX Profiling. This does not happen with C++ projects This is a Regression ...
This crash has started occurring in 4.15.2. It seems to be a regression from 4.15.1. ...
We were seeing out-of-memory errors when launching on Chrome version 58 on Windows (both 32-bit and 64-bit). After some investigation, the root cause appears to be a regression introduced in Chrome ...
REGRESSION Yes, does not occur in 4.15.2. When placing or selecting a Physics Constraint Actor, the following warning will spam in the output log:LogTemp:Warning: Running Get ...
While testing in KiteDemo - //UE4/Release-4.16 CL 3420042 in Binary – trying to find the limits of the Caution: Out of Bounds UMG, I found a landscape static-mesh that did not have collision. ...
While testing in KiteDemo - //UE4/Release-4.16 CL 3420042 in Binary – trying to find the limits of the Caution: Out of Bounds UMG, I found a way to glitch under the map. You must go all the way dow ...
While testing in KiteDemo - //UE4/Release-4.16 CL 3420042 in Binary – I found that pressing the bookmark attraction Scene keys (1 - 0) does not work as intended if user is in Run mode. ...
When multiple instances of a Blueprint in a level are selected, any component added to that Blueprint's parent class in code will appear in the Details panel with the words "Multiple Values" and a R ...