Regression of CanJump Function not being accessible in blueprints in 4.8

UE - Gameplay - Jun 26, 2015

When trying to override the CanJump function of a character blueprint, the function does not show up in the MyBlueprint panel's function section. Hovering over the Function bar shows the "Override" ...

Creating a new project from vault does not save the default location

Tools - May 12, 2015

When creating a new project from the vault, for example: Content Examples, each time it tries to save on the C:\My Documents\Unreal Projects instead of D:\Unreal Projects, even though that folder is ...

Using TableViewBase class causes compile errors

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jun 25, 2015

Attempting to derive from or include TableViewBase in another class causes compile errors with no additional code added. ...

Clicking "X" close button when prompted to convert a project will still convert the project

Tools - Apr 27, 2015

The prompt window that appears when a project is converted from one engine version to another will "approve" the conversion even if the red "X" is pressed to close the prompt window. ...

The == node is no longer available for Strings

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 14, 2015

The == node is no longer available for Strings. Reproduced in 4.8.0 and Main (The == node is no longer available for Strings). This is a regression: the == node for strings existed in 4.7.6 ...

Mousing over component list of an actor with InputComponent causes breakpoint in VS during PIE

Tools - Feb 24, 2015

When debugging a project through Visual Studio, if an actor with an Input Component is selected in the World Outliner a breakpoint will trigger in VS when attempting to select/mousing over any compo ...

Events not native to a blueprint do not show up in My Blueprint panel

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 5, 2015

When an event is added to a blueprint if that event is not listed under the "Add Event" section of the right click context menu then it won't show up under the EventGraph in the My Blueprint panel. ...

EnableGDT does not work correctly in PIE

UE - AI - Jul 13, 2015

The console command "EnableGDT" will bring up the GDT menu, however no information will be updated. The screen gains the menus for GDT however no functionality seems to exist. Workaround: press ' ...

Cannot Set the Arrow Component Size Correctly within Construction Script as Actor Blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 19, 2015

Setting the arrow size of an added arrow component via the Construction Script, does not update unless the 'Set Arrow Size' is plugged into the 'Set Arrow Color' function. The expected outcome woul ...

Placing 3 or more individual meshes in the foliage tool and creating a large amount of them dramatically reduces FPS

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Jan 13, 2015

While the framerate has improved for 4.7 in regards to large amounts of foliage, when a user places a substantial amount of foliage into level and it has at least 3 different foliage meshes, FPS dro ...