Setting ComponentTick as a Hide Category in an Actor Component Blueprint corrupts the BP and causes a crash when opened after an editor restart. [Link Removed] Reproduced in 4.9.2 binary, 4.10.0 b ...
Setting a ComboBox on the Server does not always work. In the attached project, a Multicast Event runs some Set Options, all but one of which appear to work on both Clients and Server. On the Server ...
In the Turn Based Strategy example from Learn tab, pressing PIE causes several pawns to appear far above and away from the intended floor tiles. ...
Generating CMakeLists.txt does not properly create includes and definitions causing project files genereated by Cmake to not have these includes and the indexer to not be able to resolve most of the ...
The attached project crashes when you use the RunClient.bat and attempt to host a game. This brings up a loading screen, which then crashes before it is ever displayed. I have been unable to reprodu ...
May 26 19:54:33 A6240 UE4Game[384] <Warning>: [2016.05.26-23.54.33:457][801]LogHttp:Warning: didFailWithError. Http request failed - The Internet connection appears to be offline. [Link Removed] 0x7 ...
Node Comments don't appear until the node is scrolled over after it is entered This is a Regression. It was working in 4.13.2 but broken in 4.14. User Description: BP node comments hidden until m ...
Blueprint viewport doesn't show the camera preview. ...
When disabling "Should be Visible" of a stream level and then enabling it again, the values of variables in a Blueprint that has been placed in a stream level maintain their value in PIE but reset t ...
A Spawnable actor gets "SequencerActor" tag on spawn, but this tag addition does not seem to check already assigned tag(s). So the actor can receive SequencerActor tags multiple times. ...