Replicated properties defined in an actor component blueprint are not being replicated because UActorComponent::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps isn't adding the blueprint properties to the OutLifetimePro ...
The joystick on a game controller input will take focus away from what you're working on if the joystick is moved or set in an odd position. ...
If user has HOME env var, Html5 packaging creates .emscripten folder within the location specified by HOME, not the expected intermediate location(like C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.13\Engine\Interm ...
Spawn Actor From Class is not accessible inside of a blueprint function library. It is expected that it would be accessible and would come with an exposed world context object pin. ...
When sculpting on the edges of landscapes, the changes in the landscapes height can be random and inconsistent. The user reporting this issue tested on an iMac 5k with AMD Radeon R9 M395X 4096 MB. ...
Using a Cine Camera actor as a component in blueprints does not expose the Lookat Tracking settings. If you simply place a Cine Camera actor within your scene taken from the 'Modes' tab, you will s ...
When attempting to select multiple actors in the level that contain Child Actor Components, if you right-click to edit the properties of the selected actors, it will deselect any others that you hav ...
Some of the lines within the launched or packaged version on Android for the draw line function, but not all of them do. This has been checked on iOS and it's working perfectly fine in both 4.8.3 an ...
When removing already assigned cloth asset from a skeletal mesh it will crash the editor. I was able to reproduce this with the Owen asset from Content Examples, but was unable to get it to work fro ...
The user is experiencing his Scoring Equation being reset whenever he restarts his project. Found in 4.12 Preview 2 binary. Reproduced in 4.11.2 binary and 4.13 2967371. ...