Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] In a code-based project, Editor crashes when packaging for iOS if GameModeBP or other BP is opened. REGRESSION? No ...
I'm not sure which way this one should go, but there is inconsistency with how Self Shadow works when compared to the Direcitonal Light or Point Lights. When Self Shadow is enabled on a Directiona ...
When an AI controlled character has a component attached to a socket on it's mesh, MoveTo will move in a sporadic way, making the character move rapidly in random directions on its way to its destin ...
When an object has a component attached that has another component as a child, the nested component is shown as a direct child to the parent object. In the image: The listing in the hierarchy surro ...
GPU Particles will not rotate based on a negative input from a uniform distribution via Initial Rotation Rate ...
The engine crashes when simulating in the editor after painting foliage instances using the Foliage Tool. An important thing to note is that this crash does not occur if you switch out of the 'Foli ...
If the user has compiled the VLC Media Player plugin and uses the Platform Overrides to assign VLC player as the default decoder, it will not be applied in a packaged game. ...
FindCollisionUV always returns False on Skeletal Meshes User Description: In UE 4.14.0, the blueprint "Find Collision UV" functions doesn't work properly with Skeletal Meshes. While it works fine ...
When using a procedural mesh at runtime, projects fail on mobile devices. Tested on both Android Nvidia Shield and iPhone 6+. ...
This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Error message: Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available) Source C ...