When importing licensee's provided asset the Physics Asset generated will completely break the Perspective View in PhAT. The other orthographic views will work as intended though. The licensee has ...
"LogModuleManager:Warning: ModuleManager: Module" warnings in log on blank packaged project Regression: Warnings to do not occur in 4.10.4 User Description: Since the move to 4.11, we are seing a ...
Creating an event dispatcher in a widget blueprint with the name OnDrop, which is already an existing overridable function, causes the event dispatcher to become corrupted and prevents it from being ...
If the user turns down the Resolution scale, plays in editor, and then ejects from the currently controlled pawn The actors in the scene will be hard to click on because they appear to be offset fro ...
In the Animation Starter Pack for UE 4.9, The IK handles for the Mannequin's Skeleton do not move with the the rest of the joints in any AnimSequence. *See attached image. ...
In the file EngineDefines.h, changing 37 to read "#define WITH_SUBSTEPPING 0" will cause the solution to fail the build process. ...
The input binding "Any Key", which was added in 4.9, does not respond to any key presses. Regression?: No: This feature did not exist before 4.9 ...
When attempting to add an element to the Register as Source for Senses on an instance of a blueprint in the level, the + button has no effect. Clicking the button does not add an element. This work ...
Currently, I have been unable to reproduce this issue outside of the user's project that is provided in the repro steps. Packaging a game that has the experimental feature Nativize Blueprint Assets ...
When you have a sub level with some level transform, changing its visibility then doing undo makes the sub level moved away as if the level transform applied twice. I could repro the issue in 4.13. ...