PIE with Auto Recompile Blueprints disabled generates an error message asking to compile PROTO_BP_Blueprint_0 and PROTO_BP_AnimBlueprint_0. Clicking Yes compiles, but any attempt to PIE thereafter g ...
Collapse to Function creates a ReturnNode that cannot be deleted. When creating a new Function, the ReturnNode is not mandated like this, so this seems inconsistent. Included is a screenshot of thi ...
Media asset fails to play in packaged game. There was a bug entered [Link Removed] which is similar, but dealt with standalone play mode as well. The standalone issue seems to have been fixed since ...
Mesh Type Particles with Collision on World Static and Destructibles will not keep collision when placed into the Effects slot of a Destructible Mesh. ...
Print String does not print to the viewport screen from the Construction Script, even if Print to Screen is enabled in the Print String node. Reproduced in 4.7.6 binary, 4.9 Preview 3, and Main (/ ...
Editor crashes with 2 or more Clients when spawning a Blueprint created from a Static Mesh using the Blueprint/Add Script button. Blueprints created from Static Meshes using other methods do not cau ...
Landscape Materials which use the new Grass Output and have Tessellation turned to PNTriangles will crash the engine Also reproduced in Main Promotable-CL-2550487 & Releases/4.8/Promoted-CL-255045 ...
Licensee requests the GenerateOverlapEvents flag be exposed for landscape similar to how it is for staticmeshes. ...
SyncGroups Do Not Function between BlendSpaces when Blend Time is se to "0." *It is quesitonable SyncGroups function between BlendSpaces regardless of what the blend time is set to, but especially ...
In a State Machine, deleting a state and hitting undo causes any transitions that were attached to that state to become broken. They appear as the circular transition node icons, but aren't connect ...