Spawning a StaticMeshActor at runtime results in the StaticMeshActor not being visible until a property has been changed, such as the material for the Static Mesh. The spawned actor will also have n ...
After making some changes to a Data Table, attempting to PIE fails and returns this error message: Cannot Play In Editor When Performing Edit MemberVar_1 operation. This occurs after closing and sav ...
When viewing a point drawn by DrawDebugPoint, the point is about 100 times smaller when using an Orthographic camera instead of a Perspective one. ...
When using a Create Dynamic Material Instance node the Get Material node will plug into the World Context Object rather than the Parent input. This will cause a error to be thrown that does not allo ...
Licensee is reporting that when a font is scaled in a UMG, the smaller the font gets the more the Kerning between certain letters decreases to the point of overlap. This is not as obvious in a View ...
Adjusting the X Size of a Decal is causing the normals to distort [Image Removed] Reproduced in 4.11-Releases-CL-2804793 Reproduced in DevRendering-CL-2806984 ...
A hard crash can happen when applying auto convex collision to a complex mesh that is below a certain build scale or screen size. The meshes that cause this have higher poly counts and increasing th ...
Users are experiencing an issue where the color picker is opening half or more off screen. This is particular bad for users who only have one monitor. It is most prevalent in a UMG Widget BP, but ...
User found that our editor mode functions don't do static casts, and thus you can cast to classes that don't share a common base class with the pointer class we're casting from, resulting in some na ...
The Bolts library is not correctly linked in its Build.cs file. The Build.cs file contains the following line with an incorrect file name: PublicAdditionalShadowFiles.Add(LibDir + "/Bolts.a"); The ...