When the user launches a packaged game for the Android S3 Mobile Devices, any BSP's that were in the level are not visible. Collision still exists, but they are not visible when playing. ...
When using the Launch on Feature with a Mali 400 Device, the project, once locked on, will appear black on 4.6 and will crash on CL# 2375758. This error occurs on new projects. Tappy Chicken Run fi ...
A Blueprint marked Dirty will appear in the Windows Task Bar with an asterisk beside its name. Saving this Blueprint will remove the Dirty flag, but the Task Bar will continue to show the BP as Dirt ...
Deleting a bound function from a widget sets the binding to None which causes compile to fail. Deleting a bound function from a widget sets the binding to None which causes compile to fail The li ...
Re-importing a JSON file causes the asset window to be cleared out until the file is reopened in the editor. ...
When spawning an instance of a blueprint using an archetype that is not a class default object, child components will be attached to the template component instead of the instance. ...
Buttons and other UI elements of the Linux editor are highlighted when they are over the pointer's original click position. ...
Particle system light's module does not use Lighting Channels. The particle system itself will accept lighting from it's assigned lighting channels but the lights spawned from the particle system, n ...
Changing the name of a physical surface that has already been applied to a physical material will cause a crash, if you try to reapply the renamed physical material from default. The physical materi ...
Logs aren't being saved on Android devices, even when the source files are updated to reflect output logs. However, they were working in 4.12. iOS logs are showing up in shipping. ...