Array variables marked as RepNotify are not calling OnRep on the server when they are not directly set using a Set 'VariableName' node. Found in 4.14.0 CL# 3195953 Reproduced in 4.13.2 CL# 317229 ...
Users are reporting hangs after exiting Standalone or other various windows launched through the editor. The resolution has already been found, but I am reporting for transparency. Note In order t ...
Child Actor Component visibility doesn't work the first time it is enabled. This is also the same for the Set Actor Hidden in Game node. ...
Using Execute Console Command nodes to record and play back a demo is causing a crash in standalone. Using the console commands themselves does not seem to cause the same crash to occur. ... needs to be updated to show the ad popup window on Android 7.0 devices. uses Gravity.BOTTOM or Gravity.TOP to place the ad. One thing to try would be to edit ...
When using the Make Material Attributes and landscape layer blends, if an Emissive input is being utilized on any one layer, the other layers must also utilize the emissive input in order for it to ...
Sweep result is not consistent when there is initial overlap but the x sign(+/-) is not same. I believe this issue is related to [Link Removed] So this leads to inconsistent behavior in the TwinSti ...
Currently if you set a SceneCapture2D's "Capture Source" to "Final Color (LDR with PostProcess)", the result of the screen capture becomes just a black texture. If you set the SF_Tonemapper show fl ...
A bug in UBT is preventing the authors of SkookumScript from submitting their 4.16 plugin to the marketplace. ...
Show Spherical Limit does not display the constraints in the viewport of the animation Blueprint Constraints are visible in 4.18.3 ...