A user on the AnswerHub has reported that a number of his sounds have had their Attenuation Override settings reset, more specifically the 'Spatialize' setting. I ran a few tests and discovered tha ...
A crash occurs after enabling 'Forward Shading' on Macs. The crash is triggered after creating a new material and attempting to modify that material. Regression? No, this crash also occurs in the 4 ...
When converting a project to a different version of the engine, the GenerateProjectFiles.command process is not ran as it would be on Windows with GenerateProjectFiles.bat. This can cause issues, es ...
UAbilitySystemComponent::OnRep_ReplicatedAnimMontage doesn't handle some edge cases when stopping the montage when blending is involved. Namely, it's possible on a client (due to latency, etc.) that ...
User confusion over Visibility/Hidden in Game track. We're running into some issues where it's only switching Hidden in Game when you Play, which essentially does nothing with lights, among other p ...
The issue seems to have a few parts. First, active events don't persist between frames. Instead, a new active list is created each frame and diffed against the previous frame. Added events have Beg ...
Icons are being occluded when you shrink the actor panel in Sequencer. The expected behavior from the rest of the editor is to prioritize the functional UI elements [Image Removed] ...
Connecting a Client to a Server in PIE with Auto Connect to Server disabled will crash the editor. EDIT: simple test project attached. Make sure Auto Connect to Server is disabled, and PIE with 2 p ...
When using an InterpToMovement component in a blueprint with the "Auto Update Tick Registration" and "Auto Register Updated Component" options unchecked, PIE will result in a crash. Found in 4.10. ...
DBuffer Decals have no effect when setting the flag for Receives Decals for an Alembic Geometry Cache actor. Alembic imports for Static Mesh and Skeletal Mesh are unaffected and work as intended. ...