If the user uses the simple HMD plug in, then launches on to a device and then follow up by spinning the device a few time the camera will become offset at an odd angle (Reset orientation and positi ...
Currently changing variables like Speed via BP/C++ has no affect. We need to add funcs like SetSpeed that also update the proxy. Would be nice to make the vars private as well. ...
16 bit PNGs are not rendering the correct color information, appear to be gamma corrected unnecessarily compared to an 8 bit version of the same texture. Also Reproduced in Main Promotable-CL-25450 ...
Gameplay Ability BP is being set to dirty when function is removed from an unrelated actor Blueprint. Reported by Licensee in 4.8.3 QA Build, Reproduced using Fortnite - CL - 2661312 ...
This issue only seems to affect the GalaxyNote4_5543 OS: 4.4.4 This issue is NOT occurring on devices with the same GPU This issue is NOT occurring on devices with the same OS If you lock the scr ...
The user is getting a consistent error which does not allow him to open projects in 4.8 and 4.9. Five reports from user's machine produce identical callstacks: Bugg 66074: [Link Removed] ...
When Evaluate Sub Sequences in Isolation is enabled in a shot, other shots inside the same sequences only play the transform track and do not play their animation track Does not affect 4.18.3 Relat ...
Translucent materials with "Apply fogging" disabled will be affected by volumetric fog. Found in 4.19 CL# 4033788, 4.20 Preview 5 CL# 4173640, and 4.21 ...
Specific to the Blueprint Construction Script, Local Variables cannot have their value set in the Editor, because the "Default Value" section of the Details tab will never appear. This only affects ...
DBuffer has 8 bit render targets for decals. The first render target holds BaseColor. It is not SRGB so we probably have poor precision distribution over the color range. It should be possible simpl ...