Movement Not Working When Possessing a Player Pawn on Second Client

UE - Networking - Nov 28, 2016

Possessing a pawn on a second client while using a dedicated server prevents the pawn from moving until net.shareshadowstate is set to false. This appears to be a regression. I was not able to repr ...

It's not clear which Grid Stretch mode in blend space is currently on

OLD - Anim - Nov 28, 2016

In a blend space or aim offset, there's no clear indication which grid stretch mode is enabled when clicking the button in the grid (aside from looking at the tooltip when hovering over the button). ...

OnActive Gameplay Cues not activating properly in standalone

UE - Gameplay - Nov 28, 2016

This was reported from In some case it looks like OnActive gameplay cues are not working proper ...

Using Alt+Click to break Transition node connections cannot be undone using the Undo command

OLD - Anim - Nov 28, 2016

Using Edit->Undo or Ctrl+Z has no affect after breaking using Alt+Click to break the connection of transition nodes. In the My Blueprint tab, extend Graphs->AnimGraph Regression: No - Same behavio ...

Hot reloading after changing custom trigger volume code causes the volume bounds to vanish

UE - Gameplay - Nov 28, 2016

When the code for a custom trigger volume is changed and a hot reload is preformed, the green bounds of the volume disappear and the volume can no longer be interacted with. The bounds do not reapp ...

Trigger Volume bounds do not appear for custom Trigger Volume class until editor is restarted

UE - Gameplay - Nov 28, 2016

After creating a class based on Trigger Volume, adding an instance of the custom class to the viewport does not show the green bounds of the volume until after the editor is closed and restarted. T ...

Potential issue with setting the game mode for the first time in a new project (was Print string does not fire the first time a hud blueprint is made in a new project)

UE - Gameplay - Nov 28, 2016

Print string does not fire the first time a hud blueprint is made in a new project. The user has to close and reopen the editor before a print string will fire off in the HUD blueprint (the first ti ...

Cannot right-click a blend point if the green preview point is in the way

OLD - Anim - Nov 28, 2016

In an Aim Offset or a Blend Space asset, the user is not able to right-click a blend point in the graph if the green preview point is in the way. ...

No scrollbar in Structure UI

Tools - Nov 28, 2016

Noticing that there is no scrollbar for Structures UI. This happens for the Structure and Default Value sections. When adding a new variable you see scrollbars appears for a second before disappear ...

Crash with a migrated BP actor using InstancedStaticMeshComponent

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 28, 2016

A licensee reported one of their map crashes on open when they tried to migrate from 4.12 to 4.14. There was no crash in 4.13. This seems to be caused by a certain BP actor that adds InstancedStat ...