Frame rate issues using Fixed Frame Rate and Matinee. This could be similar to some issues involving "Force Fixed Frame Rate". ...
Custom events with a struct that has had its pin split will throw an error when adding variables to the blueprint. The Struct appears to throw an error when making changes that are seemingly unrelat ...
When copying the 'Value' of a color from the color picker within the material editor, and pasting it into the value field of a new color picker dialog window, it stretches across the screen and caus ...
When launching a project with a video in it on an Android or iOS device, it either will work or it will not work. I believe this is due to the OS version of the device, but it may be related to the ...
When the editor is launched via Symlink on a Mac, the Material Editor will crash when compiling or when building lighting on a level. This does not occur if the editor is launched from an external d ...
When building the source for the engine in Visual Studio 2015, if bDebugBuildsActuallyUseDebugCRT is set to true and the build configuration is Debug Editor, the build will fail. Full output log fr ...
When pressing play within the blueprint editor, if you use control & z, it'll revert your changes you've made to the blueprint. Which could cause people to lose their progress in their blueprint tem ...
Cine Camera cannot track actors in sub-levels Could be the actual repro for [Link Removed] ...
If a user is holding down a button on the mouse and the Set Keyboard Focus node from blueprint is called on a 3D widget, the button that is being held down on the mouse is reset to the 'Released' po ...
Split Pins on a referenced Macro Library will crash the editor on restart 2 callstacks include, one for 4.10.4 and one for 4.11 Preview 6 User Description: I got some macros in my Object Macro Li ...