This is from this UDN [Link Removed] ...
There have been multiple reports of this issue, particularly from schools, over the last 10 years: ...
In StringTrace.cpp, the TraceString(const TCHAR* InString) function has an erroneous return statement before UE_TRACE_LOG_DEFINITION within the branch checking if the string is already in the set. ...
D3D12Texture::Lock computes the size of the staging buffer on Line 1541 of D3D12Texture.cpp. This size uses the RowPitch, which for BCn resources encapsulates the size in bytes of a single row of bl ...
When an object, such as a cube, is animated in sequencer and that object's path intersects a stationary character with a character movement component, the object will pass through the character with ...
Unreal Editor can get in an infinite while loop when the action Asset->Source Control->History is used in a Blueprint Asset. Reportedly, this issue is only encountered when using the Branches featur ...
[Image Removed] change FindObject to StaticLoadObject might fix this issue ...
This issue occurs when placing a breakpoint inside a loop in a blueprint's Event Graph or Function Graph. The breakpoint is only triggered once, even though the loop should continue executing. When ...
The following ambient occlusion console commands have issues: r.AmbientOcclusion.Compute ? The help text state it only works console but it also works on PC and likely other platforms. r.GTAO.Use ...
A licensee reported occasionally triggers an ensure during automation testing, potentially when the GameThread flushes Visual Logger via FVisualLogger::Flush() and an animation worker thread executi ...