This issue is not present in 4.25.4 You can also avoid the problem if the LoopBehavior of the EmitterState is Multiple and LoopDelay is enabled. [Image Removed] It seems to be a binding of certai ...
An array of a structure that has been modified without the array's blueprint being complied results in the values of the array element being reset. Compiling each blueprint that has the array of str ...
Additive animations that use a frame from their own sequence as a base pose are initially broken when retargeted. Users have to refresh the properties that select the base pose in order to fix the ...
Crash occurs when user call Destroy Actor on a Geometry Collection Actor. This seems to only occur while the actor is simulating. If called while on the ground, it doesn't seem to occur. ...
Checking the box for Dedicated Server in the Play dropdown menu causes the editor to crash when exiting PIE. This does not occur in 4.13 or 4.14 on Windows. ...
If a scene component is added to a child blueprint and the parent blueprint is compiled, a log warning will appear that states: "LogBlueprint:Warning: USimpleConstructionScript::FixupRootNodeParen ...
When a light that uses lighting channels is only visible in one view during stereoscopic rendering, it affects the default light channel instead of the assigned one in the view that it's not visible ...
When scaling a SceneCapture2D actor/component any decals there were being rendered within the Render Target disappear. I also noticed that when the SceneCapture2d is set to orthographic, the scale ...
Pin wires do not connect correctly after collapse to function and duplication. Any node can cause this issue, I used an INT variable because it was quick to test with. Regression: This issue affect ...
In engine versions 4.23 and above, the Shader Complexity Viewmode doesn't render appropriately for meshes with masked materials. Tested in 4.22.3 (CL - 7043647), 4.23 (CL - 8386587), 4.24 (CL - 961 ...