SpringArm causes physics to fail for a character standing on the physics object User Description: I am updating my marketplace content for 4.11 using preview 7 build (EDIT: RECHECKED WITH PREVIEW ...
Using the Show Mouse Cursor command (or BP node) will make the mouse appear in the game window however at that point the mouse does not interact with the game unless one of the mouse buttons is held ...
When applying a dbuffer decal to a surface with a small axis value for the decals size it will flicker. Attached gif to demonstrate. Reproducible in: 4.11 P8 CL-2916259 Dev-Main CL-2922677 ...
When using a struct in a blueprint, if you go into that struct and alter the default values of one of the variables, any pins that were used relating to that variable are disconnected in blueprints. ...
Asset selection menu tooltips can overlap the dropdown menu. It is using the Content Browser tooltips, which attempt to go down and to the right of the menu. However, if the menu is close enough t ...
Target Rotation of Physics Handle doesn't register and can't be manipulated on tick User Description: I mentioned some versions before that rotation of Physics Handles is broken and now it is even ...
Setting the base class dropdown of an Object Library to Actor prevents you from being able to add any actors to the library. This occurs even when the Has Blueprint Classes bool is checked. Found ...
Projects launched from project launcher are receiving an expression error on Google Chrome and FireFox. ...
Capsule Collision component has incorrect physics collision when rotated. This only seems to happen when the Capsule Collision is a child of another component that is simulating physics. If the pare ...
Actor leaves behind ghost collision when detached and simulating physics. The collision doesn't show when 'Show Collision' is enabled but from the physics simulation it is clear that a collision box ...