Very large objects casting dynamic shadows on the sky atmosphere can lead to flickering (cascaded shadow maps) or square patterns (virtual shadow maps). ...
If you add Static Mesh (cube) in this Level Sequence and click on it in Sequencer, you can observe the Spline Path that the cube is following is changing its shape when keys in Sequencer are zoomed ...
In Unreal Engine version 5.4, all Physics Linear Velocity functions inside PrimitiveComponent class are returning always a velocity of (0,0,0), even if the Body Instances are moving. This was workin ...
If there is a texture parameter within a specific material attribute stream in the base material and also within the base material layer, they must have the same parameter group otherwise the parame ...
In an orthographic view, dragging the marquee tool to select a group of objects will often result in other objects being selected outside the selection area. ...
Selecting the default character/skeletal mesh (or any skeletal mesh) in the viewport, right-clicking and transforming it so it mirrors on the X,Y, or Z axis will cause the physics to act erratically ...
When running a game in PIE, standalone, or package the game does not gain initial focus. User must click inside the game window to enable input. ...
Setting the brush shape of the root component for a custom volume BP causes the editor to immediately crash. ...
If a player steps on projectiles they have their velocity overridden and are launched away from the projectile. ...
If a bsp is turned into a static mesh and then the original mesh in the level is duplicated, it will register as duplicated in the world outliner but the mesh will not appear until re-assigned in th ...