Real Time Audio stops playing sounds after exiting PIE with the 'Enable Sound' option disabled. The tooltip states, "Whether to play sounds while in a Play in Editor session." This setting does no ...
After scanning through SkeletalMeshComponent, it looks like there are several places where AnimInstance is updated but SubInstances are not. This can potentially cause states to get out of sync, and ...
If the user compiles the blueprint that is being used as a Child Actor, the defaults section in the Child Actor Template will be set to None and won't be usable. ...
Transform gizmo turning different colors when using the spline control points on Camera Rig Rail. This appears to happen more when farther away from 0,0,0. Also see some changes based on the distanc ...
The characters in ShooterGame share a bug where their left hands are offset from the weapons they hold, while their right hands are fine. ...
Sequencer in packaged VR project does not appear to work when using sequence player on begin play. The HMD no longer appears to be affected by sequencer after the project has been packaged out ...
This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Descriptions from users are provided below. Error message: Access violation - code c0000005 ( ...
Split Pins in the AnimGraph of an Anim Blueprint become disconnected after Editor Restart Regression: YES. This does not occur in 4.12.5 CL:3039270 I also tested this in latest 4.13 Releases CL:3 ...
When doing overlap tests in PrimitiveComponent, UWorld->ComponentOverlapMulti is used. The callstack for that ends up looking like this (callstack is inverted, highest level on top): UWorld::Compo ...