Editor crashes when removing a widget from the viewport via Event Destruct. This appears to happen when using the Stop button during PIE ...
This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Descriptions from users are provided below. Error message: Access violation - code c0000005 ( ...
Looking straight down at the floor causes arch vis character to get stuck in jumping animation. Did not experience this behavior with default character class. ...
Packaging with plugins GearVR and GoogleVR together cause build failed with multiple definitions of GetHMD(). Log attached for build error and error portion plugged into the callstack box. ...
This behavior is a regression in 4.12. Essentially we switched to attaching child components as part of the OnRegister() logic. This caused all root-level SCS components (including non-scene compone ...
Child actor components get duplicated when duplicating a level (extra duplicates). The duplicate level has more instances of the child actor component than the original ...
When a widget component is using it's own bounds scale the value doesn't appear to have an effect in the editor. To verify this I added a parent component and used it's bounds scale with the same va ...
Currently, there are some hidden constants that are used to in networking to limit sizes of arrays. After discussion, these were just chosen without much consideration other than to limit bad behav ...
Most recent user affected CL: 3106830 (4.13.0) Error message: Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available) Source Context: SelectedKeys = SplineVisualizer->GetSelectedKey ...
Crouching/Uncrouching while standing on a physics object will cause the object to behave erratically. Even if the CharacterMovement component has Physics Interaction disabled, it will still effect t ...