Moving sublevel in world composition browser does not appear in Undo History. Regression (no) issue (does) occur in 4.12.5 ...
When using a level with a landscape on an Android Device with a PowerVR gpu the landscape is not rendering. This was reproduced with Asset# 4719Model: Galaxy S4 GT-19500GPU: PowerVR SGX544MP3OS: 4. ...
This seems to be a bug in WMF's YUV-to-RGB conversion. We can work around this by using our own pixel conversion shader. ...
'Can Jump' functions differently in 4.13 User Description: "Can Jump" doesn't update in an appropriate manner in 4.13. In 4.12 it would return true while grounded, false while in the air, and the ...
Calling an object from the mounted pak file, textures on objects appear wrong, and the texture from the Engine defaults gets assigned. This happens with all objects on the screen including meshes, b ...
The editor will crash when using "Convert Selected Components to Blueprint Class" for actors that the root component is not tagged as a BlueprintSpawnableComponent. ...
When typing the word "Custom" into a blueprint search field, Add Custom Event is no longer the first node that appears. This is inconsistent with behavior in previous versions, as typing in "custom ...
Alembic import transform is flipped on the Y axis and the scale is also rotated for its axis. I've attached a text asset similar to the users to easily identify the issue along with the source Max ...
When trying to get all actors of a level class, the blueprint that the node is contained in cannot be saved. ...