Copying an asset into a new folder, placing an instance of the copy into the level, and then attempting to duplicate that copy by using CTRL+W in the viewport creates another instance of the origina ...
Override Game Mode only works when Using Separate Process ...
Moving a folder in the content browser does not bring along any maps contained in the folder. FREQUENCY: 3/3 WORKAROUND: Manually move maps ...
MaterialInterface which is a base class for other classes (such as UMaterialInstanceDynamic) is not being exported which causes compiler errors when a user attempts to access the functions of this c ...
When using full-screen mode on a optimus laptop the gama that is set for the system appears to be ignored and uses the default setting, even if it has been adjusted in Windows display calibration se ...
When trying to get a hit result from physical material using a event hit node there will be a access none error caused in the log. This is the exact error presented: Error Accessed None 'CallFunc_B ...
Using the shortcut "Ctrl + E" to open the static mesh editor in it's own floating window results in the camera locking in the upward position in the Main Viewport (*not* the viewport of the Static M ...
When loading a Sub Level from the Persistent Level of World Composition, the offset of WorldComposition is applied when loading the Sub Level by itself. The offset can be applied repeatedly when rel ...
A user has reported that the Splash screen for Mobile games does not last as long as it did in previous versions, resulting a longer black screen before the initial map loads. Regression?: Yes This ...
"We are trying to add required Game Center assets to our Apple TV project. We are using the source code version of UE4. It seems that the editor UI does not support adding the Game Center leaderboar ...